
Problems of Adaptation of the Mountain Regions of Central Asia to Global Changes

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
From: 14.04.2016 to: 15.04.2016

The Educational-Scientific Productive Complex of the International University of Kyrgyzstan and the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic jointly host the international scientific-practical conference “Problems of adaptation of the mountain regions of Central Asia to Global changes”.

The conference will have three main subjects of discussion. The first subject is global change, including discussions of climatic, ecological, socio-economic and geopolitical changes. The focus will be on the scales and forms of their manifestation in mountainous areas of Central Asia and the regional cooperation occurring on issues of adaptation to these global changes. The second topic of the conference is medico-biological aspects of adaptation to climatic changes. Thirdly, the role of science and education is the final subject area, with a focus on national and regional initiatives and programmes.

The International University of Kyrgyzstan is partners with Central Asian Institute of Applied Researches of Earth (CAIARE), Eurasian International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety, Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences, Technical University of Dresden, Scientific and Educational Academic Complex "Mountain Association", United Nations University-Germany, University of South Dakota, Utah Valley University , Uzgipromeliovodhoz (UZGIP) and Zilina University.

Russian and English are the working languages of “Problems of adaptation of the mountain regions of Central Asia to Global changes”. The deadline to register and submit abstracts is 31 December 2015.

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Photo:Flickr/Matthias Buehler


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