
Presentation of the Fifth Report on the State of the Alps: Demographic changes in the Alps: population, employment, education and services.

Brussels, Belgium
From: 10.02.2016 to: 10.02.2016

The Italian Ministry of Environment, in its function of Italian Delegation of the Alpine Convention, is hosting a meeting devoted on Demographic Change in the Alps: population, employment, education and services, on 10 February at 9:30-12:00 in the venue of the Committee of the Region, Brussels.

The meeting is intended to present the Fifth Report on the State of the Alps dedicated to Demographic Changes in the alpine region, published in the framework of the activities of the Italian Presidency of the Alpine Convention 2013-2014 and officially approved by the XIII Alpine Conference in Turin (21 November 2014).

The report aims to represent the state of the demographic changes in the Alps by analysing data and indicators of the population’s moves in the region, taking into account also some indicators on the labour market and services as the important drivers for demographic change. Thanks to the comparison with some previous indicators’ values and with data collected by the Working Group Demography and Employment of the Alpine Convention since 2009, the contents of the report highlight the main current trends. The collected data are from the official statistics of the Alpine Countries, this feature, along with the harmonization of data with respect to the degree of territorial detail and the definitions used for the various indicators, gives high authority to the report’s results.

Translation service in Italian and English will be provided.

See the draft meeting agenda and report by clicking on 'download' below.


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