
Alpine Summer School

Valsavarenche, Italy
From: 15.06.2016 to: 24.06.2016

The Italian-French summer school, "Fundamental processes in geophysical fluid dynamics and the climate system," is organized each year by the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) - CNR (Turin, Italy) and by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France). This year the ten-day course is dedicated to understanding how the mountain environments are changing in response to climate variability and the global temperature rise, with specific emphasis on monitoring current conditions, reconstructing past variability and develop projections for future decades. “Cross-Scale Interactions in the Coupled Geosphere-Biosphere System” will be held on 15-24 June 2016 in the northern Italian town of Valsavarenche.

The themes of the lectures are:

  • atmospheric circulation and air quality in high-altitude areas, including the role of aerosols, pollution and the properties of precipitation;
  • changes in the hydrological cycle in mountain regions, with specific attention to snow and glacier dynamics;
  • ecosystems and biodiversity in high-altitude areas and their response to climate and environmental change;
  • reconstruction of past variability in mountain regions by ice and sediment core data; and
  • climate modelling in mountain regions.

The directors of this year’s course, "Cross-Scale Interactions in the Coupled Geosphere-Biosphere System ", are Antonello Provenzale , Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, CNR, Pisa, Italy and Carl Beierkuhnlein, Chair of Biogeography, University of Bayreuth, Germany.

The course aims at providing young researchers - in particular Ph.D. students - with an up-to-date interdisciplinary course presenting a quantitative approach to the physical, chemical, geological, biological and ecological principles of geosphere-biosphere interactions on multiple spatial and temporal scales, focusing on the role of Earth Observations and of modelling approaches. The course is organized in the framework and with funding from the H2020 European Project 641762 "ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits through Earth Observations".

Application deadline is 30 April 2016.

Photo: ISAC

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