
Mountain Regions, Territories of Innovation

Grenoble, France
From: 11.01.2017 to: 13.01.2017

The Laboratoire D’Excellence Innovation et Territiores de Montagne (LabEx ITEM) will host “Mountain Regions, Territories of Innovation”. The conference will investigate the future of mountain regions in the face of climate change and changing relationships between communities and nature. How do endogenous and exogenous processes of change and adaptation transforming mountain regions, from the perspective of the environment and of organizations? Is the relationship between mountains and the environment special in terms of constraints, vulnerabilities or resources? The diverse possible responses involve the status of mountain regions in this changing society: can this former peripheral area become an area of alternative development? This position engages the territoriality of individuals and communities, real or imagined, ideological or emotional. Mountain specificity also harks back to the natural environment: does climate change take on a particular form in this context? Does it have a greater impact on peripheral areas given the phenomena associated with slopes, gravity or water movement? LabEx ITEM seeks to explore and debate these questions and to open its fields of study and its topics to a theoretical and empirical confrontation.

Thematic sessions
Workshops and thematic sessions are open to further explore certain issues:
• Innovating to cross through, innovating by crossing through
• Valley floors and high-altitude areas: reinterpreting territorial construction and land value dynamics
• Transformative social innovations in mountain territories
• Territorial labelling: holding onto heritage and innovating? Putting "distinction" to the test of time
• Protected mountain areas: territories as an interface between science and management
• Media mountains: human bodies and gender stories
• Mountains and Metropolis, reciprocal peripheral resources?
• Winter sports resorts. What dynamics between globalization and territorialization?
• Representing mountain regions: images and maps to influence the territories
• Sport and tourism in mountain facing the challenges of socio-economic, climatic and technological change

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Photo: Andorra Turisme 

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