
UNFCCC COP 28 - Earth Information Day 2023

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
From: 03.12.2023 to: 03.12.2023

Earth Information Day 2023 will provide a dialogue for exchanging information on the state of the global climate system and developments in systematic observation (FCCC/SBSTA/2019/2 para. 58). It will comprise a plenary session with an opening segment and three panel sections, as well as a World Café (WC) session.

The choice of topics for these two events have been guided by submissions received from Parties and non-Party stakeholders and reflect systematic observation objectives, as well as the wider context of ongoing work under the UNFCCC.

  • Key hashtags and tags: @UNFCCC #GlobalStocktake #EarthInformationDay23
  • Time - 10:00h - 17:00h GST/UTC+4, Sunday, 3 December 2023

Read the agenda for the session here.

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