
From Machhapuchhare to Machu Picchu: Key Challenges of Sustainable Mountain Development in the Time of Climate+Change

Kathmandu, Nepal
From: 16.02.2014 to: 16.02.2014

Experts from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and The Mountain Institute will lead an interregional dialogue within the forum of farmers, academics, policy makers, scientists and private sector who share knowledge and stories about change in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region.

One of the speakers, Dhrupad Choudhury of ICIMOD, will focus on adaptation to change, which is crucial for enhancing the resilience of mountain communities and fragile mountain ecosystems. Andrew Taber of The Mountain Institute will talk about why mountain issues and  communities continue to receive less attention than other geographies such as oceans, rainforests and deserts. He will also describe how mountain systems can be more firmly placed on the path to sustainable development, cultural protection and biological conservation. Read more


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