
Nature in the Alps: Accessibility and Integration for All

Aosta, Italy
From: 13.02.2015 to: 13.02.2015

The final conference of the Alpi Latine Cooperazione Transfrontaliera (ALCOTRA) project called “Integration and Wellbeing in the Alps” will take place in Aosta, Italy. Project leaders include the Department of Health and the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Valle d’Aosta Region on the Italian side while the French partners include the General Council of the Upper Savoy and the Association des Amis et Parents de Personnes Handicapées (AAPEI) of Annecy-Ferme de Chosal.

The meeting will benefit from the experience gained in recent years by Foundazione Courmayeur Mont Blanc which, together with Aosta Valley Solidarity Coordination (CSV) and Trait d’Union, every year brings innovative testimonies and experiences in the field of accessible tourism to Valle d’Aosta.

For the event, the organizers intend to encourage reflection on the relationship between people and nature, focusing on the preventive and rehabilitative potential that the natural habitat, specifically mountains, can offer.

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Photo: Flickr/mifl68

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