
Energy and nature in the Alps: a balancing act

Sonthofen, Germany
From: 20.05.2015 to: 21.05.2015

The Alps have great potential for the use of renewable energy, but energy production and use also increases pressures on nature. The project looks at the trade-offs between the costs and benefits of renewable energy use. In particular, the project looks at impacts of energy production on ecosystem services. The goal is to achieve sustainably used landscapes where ecosystems and their services to people continue to function, and where energy production is optimized for this purpose.

What are the challenges related to renewable energy use in the Alps? What tools can be used to support decision makers in finding the right balance when planning local or regional energy development? These two questions are at the centre of this conference, the final one of the project. The partners have assessed the Alpine potential for biomass, hydropower, solar, and wind energy production, taking into account technical, environmental and social constraints. They will present the tools they have developed to support decision making processes. Representatives from the pilot areas will provide glimpses into their experiences with conflict resolution processes that manage to deal with diverging demands on landscape and nature.

Decision makers, representatives of public administrations and authorities, energy businesses and NGOs are invited to see how the results can make a difference and to discuss with us how renewable energy production and nature conservation in the Alps can be combined. A public evening event, a poster exhibit and an excursion will complete the programme.

The conference “Energy and nature in the Alps: a balancing act” will take place from 20 to 21 May 2015 in Sonthofen, Germany. Contributions will be translated into German and English. Participation is free of charge. The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Alpine Space.

The deadline for registrations is 10 May 2015. The programme and registration form are available at

Photo: Lokilech 

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