
Mountain Ecosystems: Towards a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable Land Management

Costa Rica
From: 17.08.2015 to: 28.08.2015

The Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), or the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center will be hosting this event, which is primarily aimed at professionals in the public sector and in forestry, as well as environmental and non-governmental organizations who work on sustainable mountain development in Latin America.

The event is being co-organized by CATIE, the Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Cordillera Volcánica Central (Fundecor), Fundación ProalSur, and the Mountain Partnership. The entire course will be conducted in Spanish and built on the coursework of the International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management Of Mountain Areas (IPROMO).

The objectives are centred on developing a conceptual understanding of sustainable development of mountain ecosystems, in addition to presenting different variables that affect these objectives. Furthermore, the course plans to review updated approaches to the multidisciplinary management of these ecosystems. The course will discuss a variety of topics, including: an introduction to a multi-sectoral approach in the management of mountain ecosystems, integration and land management, effective, democratic and inclusive governance, climate variability and mitigation, adaptation and sustainability in mountain ecosystems.

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Photo: Alberto Pascual 

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