
Presentation of the First Report on the Mountains of Italy

Rome, Italy
From: 17.06.2015 to: 17.06.2015

The Fondazione Montagne Italia  (or Italian Mountain Foundation, FMI), an organization established last year by National Organization of Mountain Municipalities, Communities and Bodies (UNCEM) and the Federazione Nazionale dei Consorzi di Bacino Imbrifero Montano (Federbim), will present the First Report on the Mountains of Italy. This report is the first analytical study on the Italian highlands. Not only a summation of data and tables, this document is to serve as a tool to guide public policies, the use of European structural funds and the actions of local authorities throughout the next decade. The presentation will be held at the Chamber of Deputies at 14.30.

Among the speakers scheduled to address the meeting are:

Anna Giorgi, Director of the GeSDiMont Centre of the Universita’ degli Studi di Milano;

Enrico Borghi, President of the Parliamentary Intergroup on Mountain Development;

Gianclaudio Bress, Undersecretary of State for Regional Affairs as well as Ugo Baldini, Fabio Piacenti and Gianclaudio Bressa, who will speak on behalf of FMI. 

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