
CIPRA Annual Convention

Rugell, Liechtenstein
From: 25.09.2015 to: 26.09.2015

The annual convention of the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) is the once-a-year grand meeting of all members and stakeholders of the Commission. The primary topic of discussion for the convention will be: Living well in the Alps: creative solutions to deal with the scarcity of resources.  functioning as a continuation of the discussions had at last year’s convention, CIPRA stresses the theme of “taking action to change! From good intentions to reality.”  Discussions at this year’s meeting will encompass a wide range of topics covering environmental protection, sustainable development and ecologically friendly tourism.

The keynote speaker for the convention will be Annette Jenny, senior project manager at Econcept AG in Zurich.  Her talk will be given on Friday 25 September and will shed light on environmental psychology and propose new ways to support pro-environmental behaviour in the general public.  Saturday’s events will explore the theme of “change” through three excursions in local communities.

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