
11th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh), India
From: 08.10.2012 to: 19.10.2012

The 11th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 11) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will be mainly focused on: the status of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilization; implementation of the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 and progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets; issues related to financial resources and the financial mechanism; issues related to cooperation, outreach and the UN Decade on Biodiversity. Using the opportunity of several key persons dealing with biodiversity being at this event, a Mountain Partnership member, the Centre for Environment Education (CEE) as the Nodal Agency in India for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is organizing an International Conference on Biodiversity Conservation and ESD titled “Learning to Conserve Biodiversity in a Rapidly Developing World”. The Conference, jointly organized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Environment and Forests of the Government of India along with UNESCO and the CBD Secretariat, will be held on October 13-14 at Hyderabad, India. The outcomes of the Conference will be presented at the COP through a side event on 15 October.


Click here to download the COP 11 Brochure


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Photo (c) Nagarjun Kandukuru / Flickr




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