
Webinar "Mountains, parliaments, and the Global Goal on Adaptation: preparing for COP 28"

From: 20.11.2023 to: 20.11.2023

Following the success of International Mountain Day webinars in 2020, 2021 and 2022, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and Adaptation at Altitude programme are pleased to present another joint event ahead of the COP 28 with the theme of reaching adaptation goals in the mountains. Climate change is bringing considerable challenges to mountain ecosystems and their downstream communities, and this will require substantial actions to prepare for adaptation needs in the future.

The Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), established under the 2015 Paris Agreement, seeks to address climate change impacts and enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems. The GGA is gaining momentum as international efforts intensify. Mountains have been defined as a thematic area of importance under the GGA due to their sensitivity to climate change impacts, which will affect natural hazards, food security and water resources, along with other sectors.

Parliamentarians, through their core functions, play a crucial role in addressing the vulnerabilities of mountain ecosystems and communities in the face of climate change. As they engage in national adaptation planning and prepare for the forthcoming COP 28, it is imperative that they proactively investigate and advocate for potential solutions tailored to the unique needs of mountain ecosystems and communities. These solutions address disparities, enhance resilience and emphasize the significance of mountains in the context of climate change adaptation and broader environmental objectives.


This webinar will provide parliamentarians and other stakeholders with an overview of the importance of mountain areas for adaptation and how this can be integrated in the negotiations at COP 28. The event aims to:

  • inform parliamentarians and other stakeholders of the adaptation needs and challenges in mountain areas, according to the latest science;
  • highlight adaptation solutions across key sectors that are relevant to mountain adaptation;
  • launch the new issue brief "Responding to climate change in the mountains: opportunities for Parliamentarians to act"; and
  • promote dialogue between parliamentarians, experts and other stakeholders on the Global Goal on Adaptation and how to bring relevant key themes to COP28.

The webinar will be held in English on 20 November 2023 at 14.00-15.30 CET with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish.

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