
CLimate-Smart Forestry in MOuntain Regions (CLIMO) workshop

Stará Lesná, Slovakia
From: 09.09.2019 to: 11.09.2019

The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is organizing a "CLimate-Smart Forestry in MOuntain Regions" workshop in Stará Lesná, Slovakia from 9 - 11 September 2019.

Forestry has a key role to play when it comes to meeting the EU’s climate goals. The new LULUCF Regulation is the third pillar of the EU's 2030 climate and energy framework, together with the Effort Sharing regulation and the revised ETS directive, towards a binding legal framework for the EU’s efforts to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. Yet, this regulatory outline needs to realistically support and incentivize the adoption of climate-friendly practices, for enhancing mitigation, adaptation and production actions in the forestry sector.

The goal to limit the increase in global temperature below 2 °C requires reaching a balance between anthropogenic emissions and removals in the 2nd half of this century. Therefore, countries are asked to reduce deforestation and conserve and enhance sinks, which requires a significant contribution from forests. Innovative approaches may help foresters take up climate-smart management methods and identify measures for scaling purposes. The EU’s funding instrument COST has supported the Action CLIMO (Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions - CA15226), which aims at reorienting forestry to challenge the adverse impacts of climate change.

There is large potential of forest mitigation in Europe by increasing sequestration and through substitution effects. However, the climate benefits from carbon sequestration through forest management may be reinforced, counteracted or even offset by concurrent changes in biogeochemical/physical processes affecting climate. Further, the negative impacts of climate change on forests are also increasing. CLIMO provides contribution to the creation of new knowledge, facilitating the implementation of climate objectives. This workshop will provide a thematic platform for project promoters and stakeholders, and tools.

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