Launch event for “Enhancing agri-food value chains to increase resilience of mountain communities” - Rwanda

12/05/2022 12/05/2022

Enhancing agri-food value chains to increase resilience of mountain communities Mountains matter for all. Mountains are key ecosystems providing goods and services to the planet and supporting the livelihoods of a vast number of peoples. Mountains provide and regulate up to 80 percent of global freshwater resources. They support livelihoods through farming, grazing, tourism, and natural products. And they are significant havens of rare and fragile biological diversity, with many species existing nowhere else.

On the other hand, climate change has a strong impact on mountain areas, increasing the occurrence of disasters and exacerbating desertification, land degradation, and soil erosion. Consequently, living in mountain areas is increasingly difficult.

Objective of the Event:

The objective of this event is to promote mountains products, raise awareness on mountain communities’ challenges as well as on the International Year of Mountain Sustainable Development in Rwanda.

Expected participants:

Representatives of relevant governmental Institutions, local Authorities for each project site, Slow Food, FAO, Mountain Partnership members in Rwanda, UNDP and four cooperatives (grantees)

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