COP27: "Mitigating Avalanche Risk in High Mountain Asia: Community-Led and Data-Driven Approaches"

Sharm el-SheikhEgypt
16/11/2022 16/11/2022

Mountain communities are on the front line of climate change.  Already exposed to multiple natural and climate-related hazards, mountain areas are heating twice as fast as global averages.  The intensity and frequency of deadly natural hazards such as snow avalanche is expected to increase as a result. Yet despite this growing risk, mountain communities are too often overlooked in global climate policy debate and agenda-setting.   More attention, resources, and solutions are required to understand and advance mountain adaptation.


The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) has developed a successful model combining hazard mapping, weather monitoring, avalanche forecasting, and community participation to mitigate the growing threat of avalanches. We invite you to join a discussion on how these solutions can be adapted to other areas and explore policy implications for scaling up community-led adaptation and connecting scientific and community-based approaches.


Event Objectives:


  • Spotlight the vulnerabilities and resilience of mountain communities who have some of the smallest environmental footprints yet cope with outsized climate impact
  • Promote collaboration between international, regional, and global actors and across mountain communities


Event Speakers:


  • Onno Ruhl, General Manager, AKAH
  • Shodmon Hojibekov, Head of Emergency Management & M&E, AKAH
  • Doug Chabot, AKAH Avalanche Consultant
  • Dilshodbegim Khisravova, Community Emergency Response and Avalanche Protection Volunteer, Tajikistan
  • Afgan Raza, Community Emergency Response and Weather Monitoring Volunteer, Pakistan
  • Colonel Eronsho Ayubzoda, Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense under the Government of Tajikistan
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