AB AQUA - Centro Studi Idrostrategici

AB AQUA is Italy's first hydro-strategy think tank, focusing on the escalating importance of water in international relations. Water is no longer simply considered a fundamental natural element for sustaining human life. It now holds strategic significance as the "blue gold", alongside other precious commodities like diamonds, oil and gold, shaping international politics. AB AQUA’s aim is to raise public and national policy awareness concerning the decisive role that water will play in multiple sectors between now and the coming decades.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Italy
Area Europe
Geographic focus of work Global
Head Filippo Verre
Head title Executive Director
Focal Point Filippo Verre
Alternate Focal Point title Italian Diplomat
Alternate Focal Point Roberto Natali
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Website https://abaqua.it/
Electoral Group Europe Major Groups
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