Volunteer Corps Nepal

Volunteer Corps Nepal (VCN) is a humanitarian aid agency that provides emergency relief and sustainable solutions for communities affected by natural disasters, epidemics, and post-conflict situations. VCN's rapid response teams are composed of medical professionals, search and rescue units, water engineers, and post-trauma experts. VCN's emergency disaster services encompass rescue, relief, and rehabilitation, while its development projects focus on innovation, impact, and community-driven approaches. VCN also runs volunteer programs that promote localization, learning, and leadership.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Nepal
Area Asia and the Pacific
Head Deepak Chapagain
Focal Point title President
Focal Point Deepak Chapagain
Alternate Focal Point title Program Development Coordinator
Alternate Focal Point Deepak Adhikari
Address Buddhanagar-10, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Website https://volunteercorpsnepal.org/
Electoral Group Asia and the Pacific Major Groups
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