Waibau Womens Group Cooperative Limited

Waibau Womens Group Cooperative Limited is a cooperative comprised mainly of women farmers situated in the mountainous region of Waibau in the province of Naitasiri, Fiji. The organization currently consists of eleven members and its primary objectives are to empower and enhance the skills of women, girls and young men in Waibau, to promote food security within the Waibau community, and encourage women farmers to expand vegetable cultivation and improve nutritional practices. These goals reflect the cooperative's commitment to empowering its members, promoting sustainable agriculture and contributing to the overall well-being of the Waibau community.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Fiji
Area Asia and the Pacific
Geographic focus of work Waibau, Naitasiri, Fiji
Head Makereta Nofoimuli
Focal Point title Chairperson
Focal Point Makereta Nofoimuli
Alternate Focal Point title Secretary
Alternate Focal Point Michael Makasiale
Address Lot 17C Waibau, Naitasiri
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Website https://www.facebook.com/WaibauWomensGroup
Electoral Group Asia and the Pacific Major Groups
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