Panta Pride

Panta Pride is a US-based 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to social innovation and economic development in Liberia, West Africa. It supports the grassroots, transformational development of the Panta District that begins with one road, connecting 30 villages across Liberia and neighboring Guinea. This road, along with technology-based agriculture and an innovative "Rice Bank", are key initiatives that have set the Panta District. Panta Pride invests in sustainable resources that benefit social and economic development, starting with the orphanage and expanding to rice farms, vegetable gardens, palm oil plantations and several food and beverage businesses that provide quality products in the market and meaningful work to young people. Through community development and leadership mentoring, Panta Pride takes a people-focused approach to addressing generational poverty, food insecurity and gender-based social inequality.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Liberia
Area Sub-Saharan Africa
Geographic focus of work Panta District
Head Quanuquanei Karmue
Head title Executive Director
Focal Point title Chief of Staff
Focal Point Tyler Papula
Alternate Focal Point Quanuquanei Karmue
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Electoral Group Sub-Saharan Africa Major Groups
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