Africa Green Economy

The registered Trustees of the Africa Green Economy (AGE) operates as a Non-Profit Organization in Malawi. It was established to join forces in combating climate change, environmental degradation as well as building sustainable livelihoods of the rural and urban poor facing the critical challenge of food insecurity and declining soil health. Our work mostly relies on donor funds and our goal is to establish a social enterprise to support vulnerable communities and provide them with financial help.

We work closely with the local communities living in Malawi’s mountainous regions and have established a good working relationships with the local leaders. Thanks to its work and to its network, AGE is operating as a sounding board on sustainable mountain development in Malawi by connecting local communities, NGOs and the Malawi’s government.


Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Malawi
Area Sub-Saharan Africa
Geographic focus of work Malawi
Head Dr. John M. Paul
Focal Point Dr. John Paul
Alternate Focal Point Miss Lynda Chilinda
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Electoral Group Sub-Saharan Africa Major Groups
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