
The public organization Anahita was established in 2009. Anahita works with the Yaghnoby community in the Yaghnob Valley and in Zafarabad district, Tajikistan. Anahita implements projects that support and encourage cultural diversity, and that preserve and promote the language, distinct identities and traditional knowledge of Yaghnoby people, in a manner that they determine best advances their needs.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Tajikistan
Area Central Asia
Geographic focus of work Tajikistan
Head Safarov Abduvohid
Head title Director
Focal Point title Director
Focal Point Safarov Abduvohid
Alternate Focal Point title Project Manager
Alternate Focal Point Turaev Bakhtiyor
Address Ispechak II, M-20, h#3, apt#2, Dushanbe Tajikistan
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Electoral Group Central Asia Major Groups
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