Institute of Socioeconomic Research and Development (ISRD)

The Institute of Socioeconomic Research and Development (ISRD) is an independent, non-profit research organization that was established in 2019. It aims to address contemporary policy challenges – such as the gaps between policy and practice – and to influence public policy through rigorous scientific research, innovation, analysis and dialogue. The ISRD is a dynamic firm that grasps the increasing need for research and consulting services for government, private and development agencies.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Nepal
Area Asia and the Pacific
Head Sunil Pokharel
Focal Point title Executive Director
Focal Point Sunil Pokharel
Alternate Focal Point title Director
Alternate Focal Point Dipa Adhikari
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Electoral Group Asia and the Pacific Major Groups
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