Destination Osh

The public association Destination Osh engages in the development and promotion of tourism in the Osh region of the Kyrgyz Republic. Being firmly committed to the practice of sustainable tourism, the association strives to showcase the natural beauty, rich cultural heritage and unique experiences that the Osh region has to offer. Through cooperation with local communities, businesses and government agencies, Destination Osh is working to create a thriving tourism industry that benefits both visitors and local residents. The Osh region has great potential as a major tourist destination. By promoting the practice of responsible tourism and promoting community engagement, Destination Osh aims to have a long-term positive impact on the economy, environment and social structure of the region, making it an attractive and sustainable choice for travelers seeking authentic experiences in the heart of Central Asia.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Kyrgyz Republic
Area Central Asia
Head Abdulkadyr Aliev
Focal Point title Chairman of the Board
Focal Point Abdulkadyr Aliev
Alternate Focal Point title Executive Director
Alternate Focal Point Azamat Satimbaev
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Electoral Group Central Asia Major Groups
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