Clean Energy Nepal (CEN)

Founded in 1999, Clean Energy Nepal (CEN) is a non-profit, independent non-governmental organization that employs evidence-based advocacy, education, and dialogues to promote environmental preservation and sustainable development. We conduct research on topics related to clean air, urban mobility, energy, and climate change, yielding actionable insights. Our campaigns are designed to raise public awareness about pressing environmental issues, both current and impending, and we advocate for sustainable policies and practices.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Nepal
Area Asia and the Pacific
Head Manjeet Dhakal
Focal Point title Chairperson
Focal Point Manjeet Dhakal
Alternate Focal Point title Program Coordinator
Alternate Focal Point Prakash Lama
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Electoral Group Asia and the Pacific Major Groups
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