Instituto de Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente (IDMA)

The Institute of Development and Environment (IDMA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established on 13 March 1984. Its primary goal is to contribute to national development from local and regional levels, working towards the realization of a sustainable development model. This model aims to enhance and elevate the conditions and quality of human life, foster the democratization of society, and promote social and gender equity, all from an environmental perspective.

IDMA's mission is to enhance capacities in local territories to transition towards agroecological food systems that are resilient to climate change. Its focus involves fostering processes that promote sustainable agriculture, social inclusivity and gender equity.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Peru
Area South America
Head Gabriel Mejía Duclós
Focal Point title Executive Director
Focal Point Gabriel Mejía Duclós
Alternate Focal Point title Director of the Lima Central Program
Alternate Focal Point Duvert Ventocilla Cavello
Address Ca. Olcay 471, Miraflores - Lima
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Electoral Group South America Major Groups
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