Greenhood Nepal

Greenhood Nepal is a science-driven, non-profit conservation organization focused on the human dimensions of nature conservation. Its mission is to conserve threatened wildlife and habitats in ways that respect local communities, embrace science-led action and empower others to safeguard nature. The organization's work includes applied research, public education, policy engagement, capacity-building and civic action. It seeks to empower people from across Nepal with knowledge, opportunities and research to respond to emerging conservation challenges and better protect and manage natural resources.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Nepal
Area Asia and the Pacific
Head Gyanendra Acharya
Focal Point title Director
Focal Point Kumar Paudel
Alternate Focal Point title President
Alternate Focal Point Gyanendra Acharya
Address New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Electoral Group Asia and the Pacific Major Groups
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