Practical Action

Practical Action is specialized in helping people use technology for practical answers to poverty. Practical Action, formerly known as Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) was founded by Dr Schumacher, renowned economist and the author of 'Small is Beautiful'. It has its Head Office in the UK and works through its Regional and Country Offices based in Peru, Sudan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. Mainly two of its Regional Offices, one in Latin America (Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia) and other in South Asia (Nepal, India, Bhutan) work in the mountain areas with programmes focussing on Food Security, Agriculture & Markets; Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction; Access to Energy and Urban Water Sanitation and Waste Management services.

All of our work feed into a process of bringing about wider policy and practice change at local, national, regional and global level. We strongly believe that technology can benefit millions of poor people both directly and by achieving large scale change that contributes to Technology Justice: the right of people to decide, choose and use technologies that assist them in leading the kind of life they value without compromising the ability of others and future generations to do the same.


Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country United Kingdom
Area Europe
Geographic focus of work Global - Regional - Interregional - Sub-regional - National - Local
Specific Region(s) Africa - Asia & The Pacific - Europe - Latin America & Caribbean - Near East & North Africa
Head Sarah Roberts
Head title Chief Executive
Focal Point title Country Director for Nepal
Focal Point Pooja Sharma
Alternate Focal Point title Thematic Leader, Bolivia Office
Alternate Focal Point Lili Ilevia
Address The Schumacher Centre, Bourton on Dunsmore, Rugby, CV23 9QZ, United Kingdom
Telephone 004401926634400
Fax 004401926634401
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Official language(s) of communication of member English
Electoral Group Europe Major Groups
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