
Member category Governments
Country Türkiye
Area Europe
Head Hüseyin Acar
Head title Head of Soil Conservation and Watershed Rehabilitation Department
Focal Point title Forest Engineer, General Directorate of Forestry & Head of Soil Conservation and Watershed Rehabilitation Department
Focal Point Yusuf Ziya Ergene
Alternate Focal Point title Senior Forestry Engineer
Alternate Focal Point Sıtkı Eraydın
Address General Directorate of Forestry, Beştepe Mah., Söğütözü Cd. 8/1, 06560 Yenimahalle/Ankara, Türkiye
Telephone 00903122963484
Fax 00903122075454
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Website https://www.ogm.gov.tr/lang/en/SitePages/OGM/OGMDefault.aspx
Electoral Group Europe Governments
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