
Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR)

University of Lisboa, University of Padoa, University of Leida, Karadeniz Technical University, University of Valladolid, University of Tuscia, Catholic University of Portugal
Type of courseMSc
Starting Date25.09.2023
Deadline for Application15.04.2023
Duration2 years

The MEDfOR programme offers a MSc degree that is fully recognised in all the participating countries. It requires the completion of studies encompassing 120 credits (ECTS) over a period of two years in the MEDfOR Consortium universities. This corresponds to 3 semesters of coursework plus a Winter School and 1 semester to prepare the Master dissertation. The official language of MEDfOR is English.

The Medfor Master design complies with the Bologna qualification standards (2nd Cycle). Students are required to spend at least one semester to complete 30 credits (ECTS) in two or three institutions of two or three different countries. The first semester is spent in the University of Lleida, Padova or Lisbon where the students acquire knowledge in the full range of disciplines essential to the use and management of Mediterranean forests. In the second year the students acquire cutting edge knowledge in a specialization provided by one of the 7 consortium universities.

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