
International Summer University on Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles

University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Type of courseOnline course
Starting Date10.07.2023
Duration5 days

This International Summer University has been created within the topics of the UNESCO Chair on “Geoparks, Sustainable Regional Development and Healthy Lifestyles”, based in a new and multidisciplinary approach towards capacity building on these subjects. As educational offer hosted by the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal) in a webinar edition, this advanced educational and vocational training includes 3 days of diverse panels.

With this Summer University – WEBINAR it is intended that participants can experience an innovative practice in which they can confront the theoretical knowledge with concrete realities and good practices in the management of the territories and in the implementation of diverse initiatives, particularly those with local communities’ engagement.


-Provide a broadband training course for students, researchers, managers, staff members, and civil servants, among others, on Geoparks and Sustainable Regional Development.
-Create awareness about the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and its 17 Goals and how these can be implemented and developed by the UNESCO territories;
-Discuss the social relevance of the Top 10 Focus Areas of UNESCO Global Geoparks;
-Share and review critically a set of examples about Education, Science and Culture initiatives developed in the UNESCO territories;
-Impart knowledge, know-how and experiences on UNESCO territories and labels management and touristic promotion;
-Debate future perspectives for the development and affirmation of UNESCO territories.
-Discuss the pertinence of conserve and promote the natural and cultural heritage as basis for sustainable development and healthy lifestyles
-The knowledge and recognized pedagogical competence of the experts involved will guarantee adequate training in the topics that will be addressed.

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