
Environmental Science and Policy

University of Milan
Type of courseBSc course
Starting Date11.09.2023
Duration3 years

The objectives of the course are as follows:

  • to give students a systemic view of the natural and human environment;
  • to train graduates who know how to apply the scientific method and who have the knowledge and skills to analyse, interpret and explain environmental phenomena and processes and to tackle and solve the complex problems typical of this field;
  • to prepare graduates who can interpret environmental problems on different levels, using an approach which is not only multidisciplinary but also authentically interdisciplinary;
  • to train graduates who can work autonomously, in groups and in the workplace;
  • to prepare graduates who use at least one language of the European Union besides Italian, with special reference to specific context;
  • to give graduates skills enabling them to orientate promptly in occupational and professional contexts or continue their studies with a vocational Master's (first level) or a Master's degree programme.
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