
Environment and Development of Mountain Regions

National Technical University of Athens
Type of courseMSc
Starting Date02.10.2023
Duration1 year
Focal PointDimitris Kaliampakos, Professor, NTUA Coordinator; [email protected]

Will modern man turn with a veneration to what has been saved, to the valuable natural and cultural heritage of the mountainous areas or will come to consume, to ruin what has been left, to walk away, once again, for good? The same dilemma also begets a question for the mountainous societies themselves. Will mountainous societies select a kind of development based on the actual human needs, a balanced and integrated development, or will they succumb to the enticement of the facile enrichment, which will consume very quickly anything genuine that has been left and will definitively marginalize mountainous areas? These big questions are central issues of the postgraduate programme “Environment and Development of the Mountainous Areas”.

The postgraduate programme, which is also a pioneering experiment at educational level, has been based on five “keystones”:

  • The training is set up around real problems.
  • Interdisciplinary and holistic approach of the issues.
  • Systematic dissemination of the results.
  • Experiential character of the postgraduate programme.
  • International character.
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