
Mountain Science

University of Tuscia
Type of courseBSc
Starting Date25.09.2023
Duration3 years
Focal PointProf. Bartolomeo Schirone, [email protected]

 The three-year degree course in Mountain Sciences (L-25), the only one in ltaly, aims at providing graduates all the necessary competences for the analysis, design and management of mountain regions and their resources,   with   particular   reference   to   Apennine   and  Mediterranean  areas.  The  university     training  of Agricultural  and  Forestry  Sciences  graduates  is enhanced by the promotion of mountain areas t o ensure financial, tourism and business growth. The training programme aims at a technician with diverse skills and abilities in forestry, agriculture, the environment and finance through the management of   the  natural resources of mountain areas with a view to improving the financial and environmental aspects. Graduates will be able to identify and avoid the risks of environmental degradation by offering sustainable solutions for hill and  mountain  agriculture  and  their  products  and identifying  the  potential  of environmental     tourism. Students will possess a good knowledge of chemistry and biology as well as their application-related aspects, they will learn the basics of scientific inquiry and they will be familiar with the advanced methods of analysis  of  environmental parameters. The main subjects taught are related to   the practical applications of agricultural and forestry engineering. Students are taught how to approach reforestation projects aimed at safeguarding the soil and water springs, the stabilisation of slopes and  river  banks,  the  prevention  and limitation of land degradation,   the   production,   collection and improvement   of mountain products. Students acquire competences related to the recovery of geographically and socio-economically  remote mountain areas with a naturalistic and recreational value and they learn to plan and design parks and protected areas. The course on Mountain Sciences is a job-oriented course with a   practical approach which allows graduates to quickly enter the job market and allows students to acquire solid foundations to continue his or her course of study with a second cycle degree course and a master's. The training includes time spent in the Alpine and Apennine environment and student mobility programmes   (ERASMUS,  training  and  internships  in  ltalian  and  foreign companies)

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