
Clean climbing in the Alps


Mountain Wilderness, a member of the Mountain Partnership, tries to promote an approach to climbing that is more respectful of the environment. With this in mind, Mountain Wilderness Switzerland organized a "clean climbing" session without fixed security devices on 15-18 September place at the Zwinglipasshütte in Saint-Gallen, Switzerland. Climbers of all levels were welcome to partake. 

Clean climbing is climbing with mobile, removable protection gear. It is also referred to as "self protection", "climbing without bolts" or "trad climbing". In this climbing style, all protection gear – such as nuts, camming devices (camalots, friends), slings, etc. - are placed by the leading climber and removed by the following one. The aim of this style is to leave the rocks as untouched as possible after an ascent. Clean climbing is not better than climbing with bolts. It is simply different. According to Mountain Wilderness, it demands slightly more commitment because a climber must find a route, place the gear, build belays and remove everything again afterwards. Some enjoy this practice, and others do not, but it is the variety that makes mountain sports interesting.

News and photo by Mountain Wilderness

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