
MPS announces updates to mountain funding and education databases


Resource mobilization and capacity development are two of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS)'s key pillars of work. To support Mountain Partnership members in their resource mobilization efforts as well as to develop their capacities on mountain issues, the MPS launched an online resource mobilization database and a mountain education database in 2015 and 2017 respectively. To ensure the effectiveness of both resources, the MPS reviews and refreshes the content of both databases on a continuous basis. In 2023, the MPS conducted a thorough analysis and clean-up of both databases and invites Mountain Partnership members to persue the 125 academic courses and 169 funding sources currently featured in both databases.

Resource mobilization database

The MPS recognizes that it is crucial to identify suitable financial resources to support activities on sustainable mountain development. The resource mobilization database provides easy access to up-to-date information, and members can search by priority area, region or keyword. Entries in the database include information on potential resource partners, particularly focusing on funding modalities, eligibility criteria and contact information.

Search the funding database

Mountain education database

The education database is designed to assist members and students find courses and degree programmes on mountains and related topics offered by universities around the world. Tailored to the needs of mountain communities, experts, scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs, the database is a capacity development portal that offers a wide range of learning opportunities, from free online courses to in-person bachelor's and master's degrees. Users can navigate through the database searching by the year, type of course, keyword, country and language.

Search the mountain education database

Would you like to add a mountain course or funding opportunity to the Mountain Education Database or the Resource Mobilization Database? Contact the Mountain Partnership Secretariat with the information you would like to have featured at [email protected]

Photo: ©FAO/Allison Bozzi

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