
UN General Assembly declares 2027 the International Year of Sustainable and Resilient Tourism


The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on 26 February 2024 to declare 2027 as the International Year of Sustainable and Resilient Tourism.

The resolution invites the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) to facilitate the organization and implementation of this international year, in collaboration with governments, relevant organizations of the UN system, international and regional organizations and other relevant stakeholders.

Mountain tourism, if managed sustainably, has the potential to boost the incomes of local communities and help preserve their natural resources and culture. In recent years, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations produced two reports on mountain tourism together with UN Tourism, including Understanding and quantifying mountain tourism (2023) and Mountain Tourism – Towards a More Sustainable Path (2021).

The International Year of Sustainable and Resilient Tourism 2027 represents an opportunity for all states, the UN system and all other actors to promote actions at all levels and to support sustainable and resilient tourism, including in mountains, as a means of promoting and accelerating sustainable development.

Read the UN resolution and press release

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