
Mountain Partnership celebrates International Mountain Day 2018


To mark International Mountain Day, the Mountain Partnership (MP) will celebrate by attending several events all over the world on 11 December 2018.

This year’s International Mountain Day theme, #MountainsMatter, is a call to action to raise attention to mountains and the role they play for all of us worldwide.

A side event will take place on 11 December at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA. The theme is "Tackling Climate Change and Building Resilience for Mountain and Rural Communities". This side-event will pay additional attention to the negative influence of the climate change process on fragile and vulnerable mountain ecosystems and the problems of mountain communities' development as the two main dimensions of the 2030 Agenda. Giorgio Grussu, Programme Officer of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat will present the achievements of the Mountain Partnership Products (MPP) Initiative and launch a collaboration with the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme.    

In Brazil, during the Mountains 2018 Conference, scholars, professionals, policy-makers will meet to share research and knowledge for sustainable development for mountain regions. During the session on public policies for Mountain Environments, Rosalaura Romeo, Programme Officer will be presenting on the “Mountain Partnership in Action”.

In Switzerland, for the 75th Anniversary of the Swiss Centre for Mountain Regions an event will take place in Berne, on the “75 years of development in mountain areas: Where mountains provide services for the cities”. Yuka Makino, Coordinator of the Mountain Partnership will present on Mountain Products and how they conserve agrobiodiversity and improve local economies and livelihoods. Other speakers include representatives from the Swiss Federal Office of Agriculture, SDC and research.

In Italy, the “1st IISUMOD Convention on Sustainable Mountain Development: Strengthening Partnerships, Policies and Practices in the Himalaya and Beyond,” will celebrate International Mountain Day. The convention will focus on sharing ideas and presenting IISUMOD's programs and planned projects and on laying the foundations of an international network to jointly work together towards the sustainable development of mountains. Speakers will include Sara Manuelli from the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, Silvano Fares from CREA-AA, Stefano Grego from WAHF and other speakers from ArIA and IISUMOD.

See full IISUMOD convention agenda

Photo by University of Central Asia

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