
The Mountain Partnership Survey results are now online


The results of the Mountain Partnership member survey are now available on the MP website, together with the report produced by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS).] The survey was carried out between February and March 2019 and an early analysis of the results was discussed at the MP Steering Committee meeting held in Rome on 26-27 March 2019.

The survey aimed at assessing how MP members perceive the overall quality of their experience with the MP, the effectiveness of MP activities, and the benefits and added value of being a MP member. It also aimed at collecting members’ views about the future directions for the Partnership.

The response rate to the survey was fairly high (47 percent).  The results indicate an overall satisfaction of the members and support for the work of the Partnership. All the five main pillars of work came out as equally important for the members. Also, responses to the question ‘What direction should the Mountain Partnership take in the future?’ showed that 84 percent of respondents think that the MP should strengthen the current pillars of work rather than cover new areas. Resource mobilization (75 percent of responses) and joint action (64 percent of responses) emerged as the two areas to be reinforced in the coming years.

The MP Steering Committee, at its meeting on 26-27 March 2019 showed great interest for the results of the survey and suggested that tailored surveys be used in the future for understanding the needs and priorities of MP members.

The Steering Committee, with the support of the Secretariat, agreed to step up efforts to follow up on unresponsive members and on specific recommendations and suggestions made by the respondents with the aim to increase the ownership of the MP by and relevance to its members and to guide future activities.

Photo by FAO/Chris leggatt

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