
How can women’s land rights be secured - online discussion from 23 January to 6 February 2012


The International Land Coalition (ILC) Secretariat in Rome (Italy) and the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) are facilitating an online discussion on “How can women’s land rights be secured”. The discussion will be open to contributions in English, French and Spanish from 23 January to 6 February 2012. Participants are describing the obstacles preventing women in different countries from accessing land rights. The aim is to collect examples of policies and tools that promote women's land rights and information on the role women’s organizations can play. These inputs will feed into the side event organized by ILC, FAO and IFAD at the 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) CSW on 1 March 2012.


Photo (c) hdptcar / Flickr

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