
Virtual community space for climate adaptation in mountains


The Adaptation at Altitude (AaA) programme has recently launched an online space centred on climate change adaptation in mountains. The virtual space is meant for those working on the topic to share findings, learn from others, discuss common challenges and announce events.

This space is hosted on the  climate change adaptation knowledge platform, and is free and open for all to use. It ultimately aims to support a community of practice and open space for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers working at all levels to connect with each other and discuss insights from their work. 

To join this virtual community, register on, visit this page and click on "join" (below the introductory text). This will enable you to receive updates on the latest happenings in the community and to have a user profile showcasing your interests and expertise. 

If you have recent open access articles, reports, case studies, guidance documents, projects or events that you would like to share, please feel free to directly add it to the theme via this link. If you need help uploading the content, please contact Christina Daszkiewicz ([email protected]). 

Since the online space is meant be a useful tool to those working on adaptation in mountains, we welcome your feedback on how the space can best support users. Please share your comments at [email protected]

Knowledge-sharing networks, unite! In the spirit of collaboration, the AaA team are linking up with other relevant networks and platforms. Please get in touch with Julia Barrott ([email protected]) to find out more. 

Adaptation solutions for mountains database: The AaA programme is developing a curated database of high-quality, global adaptation solutions for mountains that will be shared through this online space. For more information about the adaptation solutions for mountains database, please contact Anna Scolobig ([email protected]).

The AaA programme is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and aims to increase the climate change resilience and adaptation capacities of mountain communities and ecosystems by enhancing knowledge and supporting knowledge transfer and exchange on climate adaptation in mountains. 

Visit the online space

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Photo from Ales Krivec on Unsplash

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