
Third Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership at Rio+20!


The third Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership will take place in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on Tuesday, 19 June 2012, on the sidelines of the UNCSD Rio+20 summit.

The future we want: mountains as living solutions for development
We need to act together for the future we want. At our Global Meeting, the new five-year strategy of the Mountain Partnership will be shared with you all. In addition to our Global Meeting, side events on the “Water-energy-food nexus and why mountains matter” will be held. A Global Mountain Pavilion will showcase how mountains can successfully contribute to sustainable development.

E-consultations before our Third Global Meeting
Before Rio, electronic consultations via e-forum will be open to all Members on our website. We will look at key issues to include in our “mountains for development” strategy. In order to coordinate and maximize our actions towards the future we want beyond Rio+20, we will also discuss options on how to make the way we work together as Mountain Partnership more effective in response to the needs of a fast-paced world.

Kindly confirm your participation in the Mountain Partnership Third Global Meeting to: [email protected]

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