
2020 MPS Annual Report now available online


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) 2020 Annual Report is available online now. The publication charts its key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development last year and spotlights the activities of members. The report documents work in the areas of advocacy, communication and knowledge management, capacity development, resource mobilization and joint action through the annual report. The 2020 edition focuses on the many ways in which the MPS and members of the Mountain Partnership adapted in reaction to the global COVID-19 crisis to continue to deliver for mountain people and environments.

The publication highlights noteworthy successes, such as offering the training programmes GROW and IPROMO online and increasing the number of students participating in the programmes by 25 percent compared to 2019. More members were engaged in 2020 as a result of meetings and events being held virtually. Global celebrations of International Mountain Day witnessed over 80 events organized to spread the message far and wide that mountains matter. The MPS also organized a series of initiatives to engage young mountain activists and raise the voice of youth. On the ground, the Mountain Partnership Products Initiative scaled up its operations through a new agreement, adding five new countries. The MPS also began a three-year project in Peru and the Philippines with Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to enhance the capacities of institutions and communities to apply the risk-based watershed management approach to agricultural value chains. 

Although it is not a comprehensive report of all members’ activities, the annual report is a chance to recognize and appreciate the many national, regional and international collaborations, institutional strengthening, capacity development initiatives, thematic conferences and scientific reports that have happened within the framework of the Mountain Partnership in 2020. 

“The impact of COVID-19 further deepens concern as to whether the Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved by 2030 in mountains. The answer will depend largely on how we work together with our mountain communities to continue building their resilience to health, climate and disaster risks,” said Yuka Makino, MPS Coordinator, in her opening message. “At the MPS, we remain committed to building forward better and ensuring a sustainable, equitable future for all.” 

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