
International scientific conference on tourism and rural spaces concludes in Romania


The 26th edition of the International Scientific Conference "Tourism and rural spaces in national and international contexts" (TARS) concluded on 26 May 2024. Organized by the National Agency of Mountain Area in collaboration with the Romanian Academy's Iași Branch and the Mountain Economy Center (CEMONT) Vatra Dornei, the event was held in a hybrid format, combining physical attendance at the National Agency's headquarters with online participation from global attendees.

The conference featured a diverse array of scientific contributions from international participants, including representatives from universities and institutions in Cambodia, Canada, Czech Republic, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Moldova, Morocco, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Uzbekistan.

Romanian researchers, scientists, professors and students also actively participated, representing institutions such as the "Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești" Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, various branches of the Romanian Academy, and multiple universities and research centres.

The conference agenda included a plenary session, seven parallel sessions, and a day dedicated to practical applications. Over 75 authors presented 53 topics. Highlights included a workshop on best practices in Romanian tourism, a book presentation on contemporary society and economy, and the launch of two books focusing on rural tourism and ethnographic studies.

A standout moment was the performance by the "Plaiurile Dornelor" ensemble, showcasing traditional dances and songs by youth from the Vatra Dornei Children and Students Club during the festive evening event.

The final day featured visits to cultural and rural development sites in Câmpulung Moldovenesc, providing participants with firsthand examples of successful tourism and local gastronomy initiatives.

The conference was supported by various local entities, including the City Hall of Vatra Dornei Municipality, "Aqua Carpatica" company, and several notable individuals and organizations, all contributing to the event's excellence. The Association of Journalists and Tourism Writers from Romania (AJTR) awarded the TARS conference the "Excellence Award" at the AJTR Gala in Panciu, Vrancea County, on 25 May 2024.

News by Danut Ungureanu, National Agency of the Mountain Area

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