
Call for papers: Mountain Tourism—Trends and Transformations Toward Sustainability and Resilience


Mountain Research and Development has opened a call for papers on mountain tourism trends and transformations toward sustainability and resilience. 

What are current trends in mountain tourism and how do they impact communities and ecosystems amid global change and overtourism? How can tourism be codeveloped and governed to benefit mountain livelihoods while protecting cultural and natural heritage? Mountain Research and Development invites empirical analyses of tourism trends and impacts, systematic assessments of transformative solutions for sustainable tourism, and review-based agendas for future policy, development action, or research on tourism.

Notices of intent are due by 15 November 2024, full papers by 1 April 2025.

For any queries, please contact [email protected].

Read the detailed call for papers.

Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines, and submission procedure.

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