
Call for case studies for new publication on Mountain Family Farming


The Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) are planning a publication on mountain family farming to coincide with the 2014 UN International Year of Family Farming, in partnership with other key institutions.

The preparation of the publication is being coordinated by Professor Thomas Kohler of the Centre for Development and Environment at the University of Bern, Switzerland, and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat at FAO.

Organizations who would like to contribute a case study to the book are invited to send a proposal by 28 March to [email protected] on one of the following broad themes:

  • Mountain farming and global change: economic globalization, climate change, accessibility, etc.
  • Mountain livelihoods: agriculture, forestry, fishery and beyond
  • Forms of collaboration/cooperation, both in farming and along the farm product value chain
  • Organic agriculture in mountains
  • Certification frameworks and mountain products
  • Mountain family farming and green agriculture

Case study proposals should by emailed, providing the following information:

  • A brief intro summarizing the contents of the case study
  • the country (or countries) to which the case study refers
  • the organization(s) involved in funding the activities included in the case study - if relevant
  • the organization(s) involved in implementing the activities
  • with reference to the attached table of contents of the report, the sections to which the case study refers

Once all case study proposals have been received, they will be reviewed and a representative number selected, taking into account their geographical distribution, themes, and implementing and funding organizations.  Authors of successful proposals will be contacted in April with further details, at which point a full 1,000-word case study will be requested along with five high quality images.

Everyone who contributes a case study will be identified in the publication and receive a copy.

For more information, email [email protected].

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