
Applications open for Rolex Awards for Enterprise


Applications are open for the Rolex Awards for Enterprise, which are given for new or ongoing projects anywhere in the world that deserve support for their capacity to improve lives or protect the world’s natural and cultural heritage.

This year is exclusively devoted to young candidates between the ages of 18 and 30. Applicants are asked to submit projects that tackle the world’s most pressing issues in five areas: science and health, applied technology, exploration and discovery, the environment, and cultural heritage. Projects are judged on their feasibility, originality, potential for sustained impact and, above all, on the candidates’ spirit of enterprise.

Each young laureate will receive 50,000 Swiss francs over a period of two years. In addition, Rolex ensures all winners receive access to its network of more than 100 past laureates, as well as the benefit of international publicity through media coverage and the Rolex Awards website.

Rolex Awards are given every two years and the closing date for this round is May 31st 2013. 

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