
Call for abstracts on water cooperation


Organizers of the High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation that will take place 20-22 August in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, are calling for abstracts.

Scholars from across the world are invited to submit abstracts or half page concepts in English or Russian of scientific papers, posters, articles, chapters, books and dissertations relevant for the conference.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 20 June 2013.

Based on the outcome of the evaluation process, travel support and accommodation will be available for a limited number of scholars. After the conference, the authors of the best papers will be invited to submit them for publication in a special issue of a high impact peer-reviewed international journal or book series.

The main objective of the conference is to contribute to improvement of water cooperation through advocating for successful policies and best practices, wider public participation, and encouragement of policy makers to promote water cooperation at all levels.

The conference is organized by the government of Tajikistan jointly with UN institutions.

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