
New MP Steering Committee holds its first meeting


Immediately after the Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership proceedings drew to a close on 19 September 2013, the new Mountain Partnership Steering Committee (SC) convened in Erzurum, Turkey. Having just been selected to guide the collaborative work of the Mountain Partnership (MP) members and that of the MP Secretariat,  the 16 members, each representing an electoral group, discussed their future work and began planning the development and monitoring of a two-year workplan for the MP.

“This is a turning point for the MP which has consolidated institutionally and matured globally as a beacon for the sustainable development of the vast mountain zones of the planet,” said Baldomero Casillo of the Government of Argentina, who was elected Steering Committee Chair. The SC selected Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) as its Vice Chair;  Thomas Hofer was confirmed as Coordinator of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat.

The next SC meeting is scheduled for December 2013 and will be held virtually.

See the full list of 2013-2015 MP Steering Committee members

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