
African Mountain Partnership Members advocate for mountains at regional environment meeting


Members of the African Mountain Partnership will attend the fifth special session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) in Gaborone, Republic of Botswana, on 15-18 October 2013, to urge consideration of mountain-related issues during the discussions about the environment. The Africa Mountain Partnership Members engage with intergovernmental and other institutions in their campaign to advocate for the inclusion of sustainable mountain development in policies in Africa.

Also a member of the Mountain Partnership, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) is a permanent forum, established in 1985, in which African ministers of the environment discuss environment-related matters affecting the African continent. The main objective of the fifth special session is to provide a platform for African countries to further consolidate and enhance Africa’s common negotiating position in climate change talks.

For more information on this advocacy undertaking, please contact Faustin Gashakamba  or Dr Sam Kanyamibwa, the Executive Director of the Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS).

Read more about the AMCEN meeting


Photo: Flickr/Bittegitte

Read the policy brief 

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